Using MonadLogger without LoggingT

This article shows how to integrate code that uses the MonadLogger typeclass with a concrete monad that doesn't use the LoggingT transformer, such as a ReaderT IO monad.

This post is likely more useful for people beginning with Haskell than those with more experience. When I was less comfortable with Haskell and its ecosystem, it wasn't obvious to me how to use code with a MonadLogger constraint without using the LoggingT transformer. Now that it makes sense, I thought I'd write up my notes. They might help someone who is asking themselves the same question.

What are MonadLogger and LoggingT?

I'll assume you are already familiar with MonadLogger and LoggingT, but here is a quick overview if you need it.

The MonadLogger typeclass from the monad-logger package provides a generic logging interface that other libraries and applications can use. It is then up to the caller to decide how logging actually happens. For example, the logs could go to stdout in JSON format, be collected in a list in memory, we could suppress logging altogether, etc. I like to think of it as dependency injection.

The LoggingT monad transformer is a helper that allows you to wrap a monad and give it logging capability thanks to its MonadLogger instance. It comes with useful utility functions, such as runStdoutLoggingT, to dispatch the transformer by giving it a concrete logging function.

From what I gathered, MonadLogger is quite popular and widespread in the Haskell library ecosystem and application code. Libraries like monad-logger-aeson and Blammo build upon it and provide additional functionality such as structured logging in JSON, pretty-printing logs during development, and configuration via environment variables.


I was working on a codebase that was using monad transformer stacks. There were between 4 and 6 transformers for each custom monad, sometimes more. Something that looked like this:

newtype App a = App
  {unApp :: ReaderT AppConfig (ExceptT AppError (TracingT (LoggingT IO a)))}

I had been reading up on the "ReaderT design pattern" and liked its simplicity and pragmatism.

I was also reading the book Production Haskell by Matt Parsons, which I recommend. It had a few passages on the topic that I found interesting. One discussing the ReaderT pattern:

Fortunately, ReaderT Env IO is powerful enough that we don’t need any additional transformers. Every additional transformer provides more choices and complexity, without offering significant extra power. [...] We can write an instance of MonadLogger directly to avoid needing the LoggingT type.

Matt Parsons, Production Haskell (2023), "5.5 Embed, don't Stack"

And another one discussing logging libraries:

A common mispattern with this library [monad-logger] is incorporating the LoggingT transformer directly into your own code. LoggingT is a “minimal” transformer that should be used only when providing MonadLogger behavior to types you don’t control. Instead, consider writing a manual instance of MonadLogger, allowing you more flexibility in how the messages are used and formatted.

Matt Parsons, Production Haskell (2023), "17.4 Libraries in Brief"

I wanted to see what it would take to refactor this particular codebase to use the ReaderT pattern and what the result would look like. In other words, to end up with something like this:

newtype App a = App
  {unApp :: ReaderT AppEnv IO a}

The codebase had a lot of functions polymorphic on the monad m and using interfaces such as MonadLogger. Functions that looked like this:

action :: (MonadConfig m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => m ()
action = do
  itemUrl <- configItemUrl <$> getConfig
  logInfo $ "Fetching item" :# ["itemUrl" .= itemUrl]
  item <- liftIO $ fetchItem itemUrl
  -- ...

To get to a single ReaderT, I had to remove LoggingT. But all of the examples of logging I had seen so far used LoggingT.

Haskell has somewhat of a reputation that it lacks tutorial-style and beginner-friendly documentation. And that you must often figure things out by reading the types from the generated Haddock documentation. In all fairness, it's impressive that you can figure things out from the types most of the time, which I did for this particular matter. Few programming languages can boast of having such property. Nevertheless, there is still room for more tutorials. The rest of this post might help fill that gap.

With LoggingT

First, let's briefly look at how using MonadLogger with LoggingT looks like. If you are already familiar with this, feel free to skip to the next section.

We'll include LoggingT in our concrete monad App. For this example, our monad transformer stack contains only ReaderT and LoggingT. But it could have more transformers, as mentioned in the introduction above.

newtype App a = App
  {unApp :: ReaderT AppEnv (LoggingT IO) a}
  deriving newtype
    ( -- ...
    , MonadIO
    , MonadReader AppEnv
    , MonadLogger

Note that there is a MonadLogger instance for LoggingT. There is also an instance for a ReaderT containing a monad with a MonadLogger instance. That is the idea behind monad transformers. So we can derive the MonadLogger instance for App, we don't need to write it ourselves.

In our runApp function, we can use one of the "run logging" functions provided by monad-logger to dispatch the LoggingT, such as runStdoutLoggingT (or the runStdoutLoggingT from monad-logger-aeson):

runApp :: AppEnv -> App a -> IO a
runApp env action =
  runStdoutLoggingT $ runReaderT (unApp action) env

Alternatively, we can inject it into runApp as a LoggingT IO a -> IO a parameter. We then defer to the caller, such as our main function, to decide which "run logging" function to use. This is consistent with injecting other dependencies, like AppEnv:

runApp :: AppEnv -> (LoggingT IO a -> IO a) -> App a -> IO a
runApp env runLogging action =
  runLogging $ runReaderT (unApp action) env

Let's say we have a function that uses logging, something like:

action :: (MonadReader AppEnv m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => m ()
action = do
  itemUrl <- asks appItemUrl
  logInfo $ "Fetching item" :# ["itemUrl" .= itemUrl]
  item <- liftIO $ fetchItem itemUrl
  if isInvalidItem item
        $ "Skipping invalid item"
        :# [ "itemUrl" .= itemUrl
           , "itemId" .= itemId item
    else processItem item

And it is used in our app:

app :: App ()
app = do
	-- ...

We can run this using our runApp function and passing it the required dependencies as arguments:

import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack (runStdoutLoggingT)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let appEnv =
          { appName = "example"
          , appItemUrl = ""
      runLogging = runStdoutLoggingT
  runApp appEnv runLogging app

The example above also works for monad-logger-aeson, which is meant to be a drop-in replacement for monad-logger to get JSON structured logging.

Blammo is another useful logging library. It is a wrapper around monad-logger-aeson, providing features such as environment variable configuration and pretty printing logs during development. Blammo has its own "run logging" functions to dispatch a LoggingT. We can use runSimpleLoggingT, which has an equivalent signature to runStdoutLoggingT:

import Blammo.Logging.Simple (runSimpleLoggingT)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let -- ...
      runLogging = runSimpleLoggingT
  runApp appEnv runLogging app

For more customization, we can also use runLoggerLoggingT. We pass it a Blammo.Logger or an app environment record that contains one. See the Blammo documentation for more details.

Without LoggingT

If we want to call code with a MonadLogger m constraint without using LoggingT, we'll still need to run it in a concrete monad with a valid MonadLogger instance. Let's keep our custom monad App from the example above, but we'll remove LoggingT and only keep ReaderT (also known as the "ReaderT design pattern"):

newtype App a = App
  {unApp :: ReaderT AppEnv IO a}
  deriving newtype
    ( -- ...
    , MonadIO
    , MonadReader AppEnv

Note that we can't derive a MonadLogger instance for App as we did earlier. We need to implement it ourselves.

Let's look at the definition of the MonadLogger type class:

class Monad m => MonadLogger m where
    monadLoggerLog :: ToLogStr msg => Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> msg -> m ()

Now let's look at how LoggingT implements it:

instance MonadIO m => MonadLogger (LoggingT m) where
    monadLoggerLog a b c d = LoggingT $ \f -> liftIO $ f a b c (toLogStr d)

Or, rewritten for clarity:

instance MonadIO m => MonadLogger (LoggingT m) where
    monadLoggerLog :: ToLogStr msg => Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> msg -> LoggingT m ()
    monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel msg =
        LoggingT $ \logFunc ->
            liftIO $ logFunc loc logSource logLevel (toLogStr msg)

If we look at how LoggingT is defined:

newtype LoggingT m a = LoggingT
  {runLoggingT :: (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) -> m a}

It looks similar to a ReaderT, with r swapped for the logging function Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ():

newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT
  {runReaderT :: r -> m a}

Since our App is a ReaderT AppEnv, we should be able to do something similar as long as AppEnv contains a logging function that we can pull out. And since App has IO as the underlying monad, we can call the logging function, which runs in IO.

Let's first add the logging function to our AppEnv, aliasing it to LogFunc for convenience:

type LogFunc = Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()

data AppEnv = AppEnv
  { -- ...
  , appLogFunc :: LogFunc

Now, we can implement our custom MonadLogger instance for App:

instance MonadLogger App where
  monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel msg =
    App . ReaderT $ \appEnv -> do
      let logFunc = appLogFunc appEnv
      logFunc loc logSource logLevel (toLogStr msg)

Notice how similar this is to the MonadLogger instance for LoggingT shown earlier. On the outside, we reconstruct our monad with App and ReaderT. On the inside, the body is the ReaderT function r -> m a, in this case, AppEnv -> IO (). We extract the logging function from AppEnv, and we can call it directly since the body is in IO.

An alternative implementation would be to use the instances we have for App. The MonadReader AppEnv instance gives us asks, and the MonadIO instance gives us liftIO. Using these instances would avoid explicitly rebuilding App with ReaderT. If our custom monad was more complex than the "ReaderT pattern", this might make things easier. Our new implementation would look like this:

instance MonadLogger App where
  monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel msg = do
    logFunc <- asks appLogFunc
    liftIO $ logFunc loc logSource logLevel (toLogStr msg)

Now that we have a valid MonadLogger instance for App, we need to find a way to construct a logging function to put into our AppEnv when initializing the app.

For inspiration, we can look at the source of runStdoutLoggingT from monad-logger, which we used when we had LoggingT as part of our stack:

runStdoutLoggingT :: MonadIO m => LoggingT m a -> m a
runStdoutLoggingT = (`runLoggingT` defaultOutput stdout)

We notice it uses defaultOutput from the section "utilities for defining your own loggers", which sounds like what we want. The stdout handle is from base.

Putting it together, defaultOutput stdout fits the type of the logging function we want in AppEnv:

import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack (defaultOutput)
import System.IO (stdout)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let logFunc = defaultOutput stdout
      appEnv =
          { -- ...
          , appLogFunc = logFunc
  runApp appEnv app

The example above works for both monad-logger and monad-logger-aeson, after changing the imports appropriately. The latter also provides a defaultOutputWith if we need more customization.

For Blammo, I needed more work to figure out how to use it. We saw in the previous section that Blammo provides functions such as runSimpleLoggingT if we use a LoggingT. But it does not have utilities to construct our own logging function, similar to defaultOutput from monad-logger. It also defines a Blammo.Logger type that is initialized and configurable, by default via environment variables.

Blammo's README has good tutorial-style documentation, with examples of how to customize and integrate it with various frameworks. However, at the time there weren't explicit examples of how to use it without LoggingT.

I looked at the source of runLoggerLoggingT and saw it was a bit more involved than runStdoutLoggingT from monad-logger:

  :: (MonadUnliftIO m, HasLogger env) => env -> LoggingT m a -> m a
runLoggerLoggingT env f = (`finally` flushLogStr logger) $ do
    (filterLogger (getLoggerShouldLog logger) f)
    (loggerOutput logger $ getLoggerReformat logger)
  logger = env ^. loggerL

It uses non-exported internals such as loggerOutput and getLoggerReformat to construct a MonadLogger logging function. It also does more than build a logging function. For instance, it flushes logs with a finally and wraps the LoggingT m action f with filterLogger.

The next place I looked was the examples for RIO and Amazonka, where I noticed the usage of askLoggerIO from MonadLoggerIO. This looked promising.

class (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => MonadLoggerIO m where
    -- | Request the logging function itself.
    askLoggerIO :: m (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ())

LoggingT IO has an instance of MonadLoggerIO, which makes sense since we give it the logging function when we run it.

So we can use Blammo's runLoggerLoggingT or runSimpleLoggingT to run a small LoggingT IO action just for the purpose of extracting the logging function with askLoggerIO:

import Blammo.Logging.Simple (runSimpleLoggingT)

type LogFunc = Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()

getBlammoLogFunc :: IO LogFunc
getBlammoLogFunc =
  runSimpleLoggingT $ do
    logFunc <- askLoggerIO
    pure logFunc

Or, more concisely:

getBlammoLogFunc :: IO LogFunc
getBlammoLogFunc =
  runSimpleLoggingT askLoggerIO

Putting it all together, we can run this IO action when the app starts to retrieve our logging function and insert it into AppEnv:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  logFunc <- getBlammoLogFunc
  let appEnv =
          { -- ...
          , appLogFunc = logFunc
  runApp appEnv app

Let's verify that Blammo's configuration works as expected when running it this way.

Pretty-print by default:

$ cabal run without-loggingt
2023-09-26 18:58:38 [info     ] App started                     appName=example-2c
2023-09-26 18:58:38 [info     ] Fetching item                   itemUrl=
2023-09-26 18:58:38 [warn     ] Skipping invalid item           itemId=652412308 itemUrl=

Use JSON output:

$ LOG_FORMAT=json cabal run without-loggingt
{"time":"2023-09-26T18:59:32.092596139Z","level":"info","location":{"package":"main","module":"Main","file":"WithoutLoggingT.hs","line":111,"char":3},"message":{"text":"App started","meta":{"appName":"example-2c"}}}
{"time":"2023-09-26T18:59:32.092616247Z","level":"info","location":{"package":"main","module":"Main","file":"WithoutLoggingT.hs","line":97,"char":3},"message":{"text":"Fetching item","meta":{"itemUrl":""}}}
{"time":"2023-09-26T18:59:32.09262781Z","level":"warn","location":{"package":"main","module":"Main","file":"WithoutLoggingT.hs","line":101,"char":7},"message":{"text":"Skipping invalid item","meta":{"itemUrl":"","itemId":"652412308"}}}

Only display above a certain log level:

$ LOG_LEVEL=warn cabal run without-loggingt
2023-09-26 19:00:22 [warn     ] Skipping invalid item           itemId=652412308 itemUrl=

Since working on this, Blammo's maintainers have accepted my pull request to add an example of using Blammo without LoggingT to the documentation.

Wrapping up

The TL;DR for running code with a MonadLogger constraint without using the LoggingT transformer would be:

You can find the complete working examples with and without LoggingT used for the article in this Gist.

LoggingT was only one of the many transformers I removed while refactoring from a monad transformer stack to a single ReaderT over IO. I removed ExceptT by throwing exceptions in IO. The other transformers were equivalent to ReaderT, some using an IORef or similar for any mutable state. For those transformers, I merged their environments into AppEnv.

Hopefully, some will find this post helpful. Writing it at least helped me sharpen my understanding of how this works.

Finally, this is only one possible way of doing things. My goal was to standardize a codebase on the ReaderT design pattern. However, some may find it easier to add the LoggingT wrapper into the App type and dispatch it in runApp. Of course, that works perfectly fine as well. It is a matter of personal preference or the style adopted by the team.

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